Mach ich, dauert ein paar Tage. Ab dem 2. Mai ist die Website komplett überarbeitet.
Great - But let’s be a bit picky with the Logos. Not because I don’t want to give credit. But each Logo takes another 10 minutes to add. It is a question of resources.
And it would be cool, if you have a chance to send them over in a quadrat.
Okay! Got it! Then lets wait until next week
ah - no add the nowhere kitchen. they are strong partners. it’s cool. just in general not too many of the just participating ones for now.
i dont understand, this is for the berlin website, so it is all local. yes?
i dont need a differentiation then, just partners or is fine for me
Hi @Lars2i
Please find attached our logo (GreenBuzz for the association). If you want to add our Sustainability Drinks Logo as well, it is attachedas well. Cheers, Ulli

Ok, website updated and program too.
Hello! Please add (as partner):
ESMOD Berlin International University of Art for Fashion
ESMODLogoENGLISCHrot.eps (639.7 KB)