Plastics for one of the major challenges?

Just saw this WEC Davos report:

Should this be one of our focus challenges? I think someone else mentioned plastics…Was it Sylvia? Ellen MacArthur brings up a good point…one needs to bring together everyone to form a cohesive system level solution or we will never solve this problem. So…we have govt, biz,…what’s our role in the puzzle? If we want the commons and circular solutions from civil society to play a role in the system level solution, instead of more of the same old fragmented solutions alluded to in the report, what do WE, at OSCE Days do?

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Plastic recycling is certainly a great challenge and we had a Challenge on that last year in Berlin: [CHALLENGE] Documentation Jam on CubeFactory's Recycle Bin
There were also these topics last year:
Plastic Shredder
[SOLUTION] Design a shredder to recycle plastic
[DOCUMENTATION 2015] - Circular Economy Cosmetic Bottles
[CHALLENGE] Extruder Prototyping
And there was mention recently of this OS plalstic recycling tool series:
NEWS_STREAM _ for quick news
This year there is one Challenge on the topic: Upcycling Plastic Bottles -> To Build A Vacuum Cleaner!

The Story of Stuff has

###10 Life Hacks to Help You Cut Plastics out of the Picture