[BoST CALL, February 1, 2016] – General Meeting of provisional BoST No 6

@Lars2i I think you made some good points here, I have a few other thoughts to add.

I don’t think anybody who just sees the name Open Source Circular Economy Days knows what it is about! We always need to explain everything anyway.
Currently our name is long and difficult to remember, people call it Open Circular Days, OSCDays, Open Source Economy, OSCED, they pronounce it oskadays, oshkadays, etc…

I completely agree - using terms like ‘maker’ or ‘open’ without the ‘source’ provides too much wiggle room, which can lead to problems. See ‘sharing economy’.

Having said that, I think it is okay to have a name which doesn’t include ‘open source’ (for example a more abstract name) but always accompany it with a slogan. eg. Wikimedia Deutschland’s full title is:
Wikimedia Deutschland – Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
(Wikimedia Germany - Society for the Advancement of Free/Open Knowledge)
so for us, our logo/letterhead could always include the two elements:
somethingsomething Open Source Circular Economy

and the official name of the Verein could include both name and explanation, just like Wikimedia:
Name - Society for the Advancement of an Open Source Circular Economy e.V

I agree that a lot will be related to events. However, when I think about our community members being involved in political processes, academic studies, books or educational materials, I don’t think this is a technique or an event, I think it is the work of a movement focused on a particular topic.
This work may happen in a collaborative hackathon, or it may not. It may just be a slow, multi-step bureaucratic process.

I agree that changing things may be complicated or confusing for a brief period, but building this movement is a long-term project, and we are still at a very, very early stage. In the mainstream, we’ve had hardly any press and have no name recognition.
I don’t think we are so well-known and established that it would be a major problem for us to change our branding.
I’m not suggesting that we should, or that we must, but I want to point out that if we feel it would be valuable for the long-term movement, I don’t see this temporary difficulty as a huge roadblock, it’s a small issue, and we shouldn’t let it hold us back.

I like the idea of having the inclusive, participatory aspect in the name (or the slogan) but I am not quite as convinced as you are that the word ‘days’ is so evocative of this aspect. I don’t completely disagree, but I don’t feel it very strongly, perhaps there is a better word which could communicate this.


I have one more for OSCEdays. :slight_smile: A pseudo historic perspective:

Think about someone tells you about the “BLURB foundation” - “Yeah, and they advocate for a free internet since 1980”.

“wow, aha, cool, i guess.”


“It is the “Free Internet Foundation”. And they were founded in 1980.”


Don’t know, if you see the difference. This is for keeping “Open Source Circular Economy” in the name.

And since we need an extra word to avoid OSCE… I think “days” is the best option. It (1) avoids the need for double communication, (2) avoids the extra effort of recreating stuff and (3) has even the opportunity I was talking about above - to be developed and unfold into a technique with focus of hands on.

ANYWAY: Please collect other ideas. And nominate them for the vote. We need actual alternatives to have a vote since “Alternative to …” is not an option :slight_smile: – And it still looks like we can found next tuesday. So we should act quickly.

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@TechnicalNature also added her alternative suggestion here so I suggest we continue to do so in the Hackpad and have the vote on Wednesday.


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Many good points raised here…

I don’t think Open Source Circular Economy Days communicates either the concept or the initiative very well.

That said, personally I would go for a name, followed by the Open Source Circular Economy tag line — I think the pseudo-historic perspective is an important one. Also, with a tag-line, @Lars2i points 1-4 are no longer an issue.

I think there are levels of communication. For instance, on a (very simplistic) level our work constitutes open innovation workshops on a specific subject. By having a simple not-completely-abstract one-word name, followed by the tagline, we could perhaps engage an even wider audience — OSCE is so loaded with jargon I think it alienates people.

Say ‘Tom’ has recently been to a great open innovation workshop focused on waste (Tom’s version of events) run by somethingsomething…he tells his friend Anne…‘Oh, I was at this great workshop about waste run by somethingsomething’. If Anne doesn’t know anything about OS, but is really interested in waste, then perhaps Anne will look up somethingsomething because she’s:

a) not immediately alienated by the title,
b) able to spell somethingsomething and
c) remember it.

I realise there are caveats to this anecdote, but it’s just another perspective.

I agree with @cameralibre in that I don’t see the Days as our main technique. I would like to keep the opportunity open to frame and develop our future communications, around potential new work streams, such as policy or research or education, as they arise. I also think that these other work streams would require a different style of communication. Certainly the Days can be adapted to disseminate research or conduct policy workshops.

Finally, while OS is a robust and widely accepted methodology CE isn’t. I also believe our work stretches beyond CE (eg social innovation, local economies, urban manufacturing, urban innovation, smart cities). I realise that this is a tricky point regardless and I’m not suggesting that we move away from CE, but rather that a more abstract single-word name might alleviate this situation in the future.

Have added some new suggestions to the Hackpad.


#Name Voting

We have to many options for the name to go on Loomio. There is no real short list yet. Also, I guess noone asked to have a “secret election”. So I suggest, we can do it here.

I suggest that you write down the name you like the most in the chat. And (in brakkets) an alternative you could also live with. If two or three names are really close we can have a run-off.

I suggest we will have this first phase of the election running till Friday 13:00 CET. Ok?

##The Candidates
Taken from the Pad and the exchange above. In the pad you can find explanations to some of the names I did not include here, because the name needs to work without this.

If you haven’t followed the discussion please make sure to get familiar with some of the arguments exchanged here and than above.

And remember here and here you can read a little bit about the goals and future activities that have been discussed so far.


Open Source Circular Economy e.V.

Open Source Circular Economy Days e.V.

Open And Circular e.V.

Circular Makers e.V.

Circular Blacksmiths e.V.

Regenerative Makers e.V.

Cercle e.V.

circul e.V.

opna e.V.

opne e.V.

OpNe e.V.

opnr e.V.

openly e.V.

ovrir e.V.

aperire e.V.

Encirclos e.V.

Ospiral e.V.

AroundoS e.V.

O-Sphere e.V.

Hal-OS e.V.

Open-CE e.V.

OScule e.V.

Circl-OS e.V.

TransparanCE e.V.

Virtuosos e.V.

Camp-OS e.V.



Ospace e.V.

O-space e.V.

OS-pace e.V.

Circular-OS e.V.

Loopos e.V.

###Updates (from Gien)

OSCE Foundation e.V.

Foundation for OSCE e.V.

The Institute for an Open Source Circular Economy e.V.

OSCE Institute e.V.

Society for OSCE e.V.

@BoST & everyone

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No spoilers!

Maybe you want to make up your mind before you get influenced by the opinions of others?


My vote:

Open Source Circular Economy Days e.V.

(Open Source Circular Economy e.V. – with “opensce” as url and acronym)

Foundation for OSCE [updated]

I like the others and find them very clever, but maybe not clear enough. And I am not sure I have a favorite one, so I’ll just shortlist three:

Open And Circular e.V.
Circular Blacksmiths e.V.
Open-CE e.V.

How many propositions can we submit on Loomio for a voting?

Open Source Circular Economy e.V.
OSCE Foundation e.V. (new)
Foundation for OSCE e.V. (new)
The Institute for an Open Source Circular Economy e.V. (new)
OSCE Institute e.V.
Society for OSCE e.V.

This is using the word “foundation” in the general sense (I don’t know if we actually formally and legally qualify as a foundation)

I think the event should have it’s own name, to denote a gathering place, an annual convergence of OSCE change agents and proponents once or twice a year, but who then return to their own projects to continue their work the rest of the year.

In this case, the event could remain OSCEDays or have some other name that represents the event itself:

“OSCE Festival”

or simply

“OSCE 2016”

tagline suggestions:

“An Annual Convergence event of all things Open Source and Circular” or
"An Annual Convergence event of all things Open Source and Regenerative"

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maybe I can’t find the right option in Loomio. But it looks like you can have only Agree/Disagree Voting with one question. Or @mixmix ? So I think maybe we should do the voting here in our forum.

That is Loomio

Open Source Circular Economy e.V.

Foundation for OSCE e.V.

Open-CE e.V.

Loopos e.V.

Circos e.V.

Society for OSCE e.V.

Circular Blacksmiths e.V.

Open-CE e.V.

Open Source Circular Economy e.V.

Open Source Circular Economy e.V.
Foundation for OSCE e.V.
Society for OSCE e.V.

If we can put a kind of I need to be convinced first (i need to read the whole previous arguments too): Open Source Circular Economy Days e.V. or anything with days in the name.

For me the days is a project of XXXX e.V. kind of its own project too in some ways, each local organizers make the days. The XXXX e.V. does others stuff than the days and only support/protect the days. This way, in a far hypothetical future, maybe you don’t have to agree with the whole XXXX e.V. activities and still be active in the days. Maybe there will be others stakeholders than XXX e.V. working on the days. It leaves it more open and offers more freedom.

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Btw. @Ina (One of the super active textile organizers here in Berlin last year and this year, also active on a global level) wrote in an email she’d prefer

Open Source Circular Economy e.V.

@cameralibre is going to vote later today and I guess @technicalnature too and I will wrap up the election before we meet tonight, just want to mention one thing regarding:

"Circular Blacksmiths"

I heard that german law demands that the name of your association reflects somehow what it is about. So you can’t call yourself “Lollipop e.V.” and be about manufacturing weapons. Understandable.

“Circular Blacksmiths” could still work I guess, maybe. But it is from all the names the one that is most distant from what the association is about and “Balcksmiths” could be critisized by the authorities as misleading - of course, we are not Blacksmiths.

A blacksmith at work

Although we somehow try to do this:

Blacksmith at work02 less contrast

#Election Result

How I counted: I gave points to the first 3 names in your lists. 3 to the first 2 to the second and 1 to the third. This creates a short list. (Still Erica to add)

Open Source Circular Economy e.V. _14 / 17*°* | (2) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3° – Ina) ( * ) ( * ) _ [MENTIONS: 6]

Foundation for OSCE e.V. _5 | (1) (2) (2) (1) _ [MENTIONS: 4]

Society for OSCE e.V. _4 | (3) (1) _ [MENTIONS: 3]

Circular Blacksmiths _4 | (2) (2) _ [MENTIONS: 2]

Open-CE e.V. _3 | (1) (1) (1) [MENTIONS: 3]

Open And Circular e.V. _3 | (3) _ [MENTIONS: 1]

Open Source Circular Economy Days e.V. _3 | (3) _ [MENTIONS: 1]

CIRCOS e.V. _2 | (2) _ [MENTIONS: 2]

OSCE Foundation e.V. _2 | (2) _ [MENTIONS: 1]

Loopos 1 _ [MENTIONS: 1]

The Institute for an Open Source Circular Economy e.V. _ [MENTIONS: 1]

OSCE Institute e.V. _ [MENTIONS: 1]

(*) means, it was still on the list of others but not in the top 3 – but cause so many people were voting for it i thought it was worth mentioning here .

(°) With and without @Ina cause she send it via email and not officially on the forum so there is no real proof.*

Guess “Foundation for OSCE e.V.” would quickly grow into “FOSCE” and Societey … to “SOSCE” – If you google for FOSCE not much is coming up. (I mention this because we would have with OSCE always the problem with OSCE and would need a strange and confusing workaround.

Open Source Circular Economy e.V

-with the url ‘opensourcecirculareconomy.org’ and the term ‘OSCE Association’ when discussing it in English. I find ‘Association’ more open and inclusive that ‘Institute’ or ‘Foundation’ and it’s a better translation of the German ‘Verein’


Hey @Lars2i Sorry if I was supposed to, but I wasn’t voting in order of my first preference, but was simply making a shortlist. So I’d like to discuss this in tonight’s call. In my view if a proposal gets three votes from three people then that should count for more than if someone put it at the top of their list in this thread. :slight_smile:

Alternatively I can change the order here, if everyone else did it in order of preference.

Hi, jeap. I did not know how to make the next step. There would have been a thousand different ways how to count it. :-/

Good point with the mentions! I will add total mentions to the results. [DONE]

But you can also reorder after your preferences (But please leave the old one intact so i know, what I have to erase.)

#Final Vote

We had a run-off between “Open Source Circular Economy Days e.V.” and “Foundation for OSCE e.V.” in the BoST Call on Feb 15. And the decision was made: 6 votes for “Open Source Circular Economy e.V.” 1 for “Foundation for OSCE e.V.” so

###Open Source Circular Economy e.V.

it is going to be.

Now let’s found it.